Advanced Telescope Making
at Brian Lula's
Heaven's Glory Observatories
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HGO I Observatory in Massachusetts -1998 20" RCOS on HGO fork mount at HGOII HGO I Scope & HGO Mount -2008
Heaven's Glory II in New Mexico moonlight -2008 Working at NASA's SOFIA Observatory Edwards AFB - 2010
HGO II in New Mexico with enhanced living quarter additions in 2014 by new owner and friend Dr. Dick Post. Additional mount and observatory control upgrades by B. Lula
HGOV in Massachusetts - Highly Modified DFM mount and C14 in rebuilt HGO 1 Observatory - 2018
The evolution of HGO II by replicating the original observatory design into a world class science imaging facility-2019
Hayabusa 2 Hypervelocity Reentry Imaging Mission - Australia 2020 NASA Tail 992 Flight and Science Crew
Being Awarded the NASA Silver Achievement Medal - April 2021 NASA Tail No. 520 at NASA Langley
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All images are Copyright © 2002 by Brian Lula. Images may not be reproduced, copied or published without permission.