Publications and Credits

Publications, credits and speaking engagements for work done at Heaven's Glory Observatories:



May 2015 -  To "Infinity and Beyond" Community Presentation on Astronomy and Astrophotgraphy

April  2015 - Hollywood movie "Comet" starring Justin Long & Emmy Rossum - NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula in train scene

November  2014 - Vatican Observatory Calendar for 2015 - IC1613 Local Group Galaxy

June 2014- To "Infinity and Beyond"  Presentation on Astronomy and Astrophotgraphy ( Montreal STEM Outreach Event ) 

August 2013 - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - "To Infinity and Beyond" Prsentation - Washington DC Community STEM Outreach Event 



November  2011 - Max Planck Institute  for Astronomy (Garching Germany) Annual Calendar - Photos of NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula

November  2011 - Astronomy Magazine (UK) - Photos of IC2419 "Intergalactic Wanderer"

August 2011 - SPIE Color publication on Astronomical Imaging (USA) - Photos of IC434 and vdB142 

July 2011 - Landmark Newspaper  (USA) - Color front page article on backyard imaging and Heaven's Glory Observatories 

March 2011 - Astronomy magazine (USA) - Photo of IC 342 - Galaxy in Camelopardalis 

Feb. 14, 2011  NASA Astrophoto of the Day (APOD) - Photo of NGC 2244 "Rosette Nebula" in Monoceros



June 2010 - Astronomy Magazine "Atlas of the Universe" - Photo of M1 - Planetary Nebula in Taurus 

June 2010 - Refereed Technical Paper presentation at SPIE's 2010 Astronomical Instrumentation Conference -San Diego, CA - "Modular Hexapod Positioners for Next Generation  Telescopes"

April 2010 - Sky & Telescope magazine (USA) - Photo of NGC 4236 - Galaxy in Draco 



December 2009 - Astronomy magazine (USA) - Photo of M1 Crab Nebula 

December 2009 - InterStellarum magazine ( Germany)  - Photo of Sharpless 2-188

October 2009 - Worcester Living Magazine - Astrophotography 

September 2009- Astronomy magazine ( UK) - Photo of NGC2179 -" Intergalactic Wanderer" 

August 2009 - Introduction of All Conference Plenary Speaker ( Dr. Jerry Nelson of the TMT Thirty Meter Telescope) at SPIE O&P conference

August 2009 - Refereed Technical Paper presentation at SPIE Optics & Photonics Conference - "Advancement in Actuators for Astronomical Applications"

February 2009- Princeton Art Society - Aesthetic Astronomical Color Imaging - the blend of engineering and art

February 2009- Speaker  - Winter Star Party  - Imaging at the Bleeding Edge - The Telescopes & Instrumentation of the Pro's

February 2009 - PI (Physik Instrumente) Worldwide Product Catalog - IC434 - Horsehead nebula photo 

January 2009- Sky & Telescope Magazine- Photo of NGC1491  


December 2008 - Local Public TV Program- Interview "AstroImaging from the Suburbs"

September 2008 - Invited Speaker - Piezo Ceramics - Enablers of Advanced Astronomical Instrumentation - American Ceramic Society - Boston 

June 2008 - Refereed Technical Paper presentation at SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation Conference - Marseille, France - "Advancement in Cryogenic Actuators for Astronomical Applications"

April 2008 - Astronomy Special Issue  -  Top 100 Sky Wonders - M1 - Crab Nebula 

April 2008 - SPIE Professional  -  Front Cover  - VdB142 & feature article on Heaven's Glory Observatories 

April  2008 - Sky & Telescope -  Photo of Sharpless 2-157 region 

February 2008 - Speaker - Winter Star Party -  "The Trials and Tribulations of Remote CCD Imaging"

February 2008 - Astronomy (UK) -  Photo of NGC2319 

January 2008 - Wachusett Region High School - Engineering Enrichment Program- The Science and Engineering of Astronomical CCD Imaging



November 2007 - SkyNews Canada - Astrophoto of the Week -Narrowband  Horsehead/Flame Nebula  Photo 

November 2007 - Astronomy Magazine - USA - Photo of M13 

Oct. 17, 2007  NASA Astrophoto of the Day - Photo of vdB142 "Elephant trunk Nebula"

August 2007 - Keynote Speaker - Starfest 2007- Canada -  "To Infinity and Beyond"

August 2007 - Astronomy Magazine- USA - Photo of Sh2-101 

April 2007 - Speaker - NEAF Imaging Forum - "To Infinity and Beyond"

March 2007 - Astronomy Magazine - UK - Photo of NGC2419 

February 2007 - Astronomie Magazine - France - Photo of NGC2419 

January 2007 - PI Product Catalog - Photo of the Horsehead Nebula

January 2007 - "Astronomy 365" - NASA APOD Book Publication - Photos of M51 and M57


May 2005 - Astronomy  Magazine "Atlas of the Stars"- Photos of NGC891, M1

MAy 2006 - Refereed Technical Paper - Advanced Long Travel, High Resolution Piezoceramic Actuators - SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation Conference - Orlando, FL

Feb 2006 - Winter Star Party - Florida Keys - Deep Sky Imaging Award - 1st place

Feb 2006 - Astronomy Magazine -Photo of  NGC7380


August  2005 - Stellafane  - Technical Talk - Preparing a scope/facility for automation 

August 2005 - Astronomy  Magazine Feature Article - "Image like a Pro" ....images and experiences in the learning of deep sky digital imaging. 

July 2005 - Astronomy  Magazine- Photo of Medusa Nebula ( Abell 21) - 

March/April 2005 - Night Sky Magazine - Photo of new home built 12.5" Newtonian astrograph at the WSP

February 2005 - Winter Star Party -Photo of  NGC 2174 - Best CCD Image - Deep Sky

January 2005- Sky & Telescope Magazine - Photo of NGC7380 - Astrophoto Gallery 


Dec. 2004 - Astronomy Magazine- Deep Sky Year -Photo of  M1

Dec. 2004 - Book - - Wrote Chapter and provided images - Digital Astrophotography - The State of the Art - by Springer Voerlag

November 2004 - Sky & Telescope Magazine - Beautiful Universe - Photo of M81 

Oct. 2004 - Guest Speaker - Okie-Tex Star Party - CCD Imaging and Telescope Making 

Sept 2004 - Sky & Telescope Magazine- Photo of M57 - Observers Page

July 2004 - Sky & Telescope Magazine- Photo of M82 - Full Page Gallery

May 2004 - Scott Cuddy Show - Worcester 1310 Radio - Astrophotography & STAR NIGHT

Mar.28, 2004  NASA Astrophoto of the Day - Photo of NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula

April 2004 - Astronomy Magazine- Photo of  IC342 - full page Gallery 

February 2004 - Sky & Telescope Magazine- Photo of M76 - Deep Sky Notebook

January 2004 - Book - "The Universe - 365 Days"  published by NASA- Photo of NGC 7023


December  2003 - Featured Astrophotographer- "First Light" Astrophotography Exhibit at Smithsonian National Air and Space Museaum

November  2003 - Astronomy Magazine -  Images of the Year Wall Chart - Photo of M57

November 2003 - Star Observer Magazine- Germany - Photo of M51 Nasa APOD 

October  2003 - Astronomy Magazine- full page - Photo of M97

Sept.25, 2003  NASA Astrophoto of the Day - Photo/Image of M51/Hurricane Isabelle comparison

September 2003 - Coelum Astronomia Magazine (Italy) - Photo of M57 

September 2003 - Chemistry in Britain Publication - front cover - Photo of NGC7023

September 2003 - Star Observer Magazine Gallerie- Germany - Photo of M81 

July 2003 -SkyNews (Canada) Photo of the week #87 - Photo of M13

July 2003 -Sky & Telescope Magazine - full page Gallery - Photo of M81

June 29/2003 - Lowell Observatory Publication- Star Tales - Photos of M57 & IC1296

May 16, 2003 - NASA Astrophoto of the Day - Photo M57/IC1296

June 2003 -Sky News Magazine (Canada) - Photo of M51

June 2003 -Sky & Telescope Magazine- full page Gallery - Photo of IC1795

April 2003 -Sky News Photo of the Week #76 - Canada - Photo of M81

March 2003 -Star Observer Magazine- Germany - full page Photo of  M97

March 2/2003 - CBS News "Sunday Morning" National Telecast - Photos of NGC7293 and Maia Region of Pleiades

February 2003 - "Advanced Imaging" Trade Journal - Photo of M51

January  2003 - Kodak Image Sensors Corporate Website Home Page - Photo of M51

January 17, 2003 - NASA Astrophoto of the Day - Photo of NGC7635


November /Dec 2002 - Sky News Magazine( Canada) - Photo of M51, M1

November 2002 - Star Observer Magazine (Germany) - Feature Article - Brian Lula, CCD Imaging and Telescope Making

November 2002 - Coelum Astronomia Magazine (Italy) - Photo of M51 -

October 2002 - Star Observer Magazine ( Germany) - Photo of NGC281  Full page image highlight

August 2002 Keynote Guest Speaker - "Starfest" in Canada - Deep Sky CCD Imaging and "The Life of Brian" Telescope Making Odyssey

July 2002 - Star Observer Magazine ( Germany) - Photo of Cone Nebula "Astrophotographie section"

July 2002 SPIE Annual Meeting - Guest speaker on CCD Imaging with "Pinky" Nelson, former NASA Shuttle Astronaut for "Venture to the Stars" Day at Pacific Science Center in Seattle

June 2002 Sky News Magazine (Canada) - Cone Nebula in Web photo of the Week 37

May 2002 Sky and Telescope Magazine - Photo of NGC2359 in "Gallery"

May 2002 Guest Speaker - Boston ATM's -Deep Sky CCD Imaging and Telescope Making

Feb.2002 Sky and Telescope Magazine -Photo of  NGC7023 in "Gallery"

Feb.2002 Sky News Magazine (Canada) - NGC2392 in Web photo of the Week 17

Feb.2002 Invited Guest Speaker - Astronomical Association of Southern New England -Deep Sky CCD Imaging and Telescope Making

Feb.2002 Guest Speaker - Winter Star Party Florida -Deep Sky CCD Imaging and Telescope Making


Dec.2001 Sky News (Canada) - Web photo of the Week 12 -Photo of  IC410

Dec.14, 2001 NASA Astrophoto of the Day - Photo of NGC7023

Dec.2001 Invited Guest Speaker - Skyscrapers Astronomy Club - Deep Sky CCD Imaging and Telescope Making

Oct.2001 Image of Horsehead Nebula selected for Corporate product catalog for Physik Instrumente GmbH(Germany)

August 2001 Guest speaker at Stellafane - Deep Sky CCD Imaging and Telescope Making

August 2001 1st Place Award winner at Stellafane for High Performance Portable German Equatorial Mount

June 2001 - Astronomie Magazine (France) Full page photo of M31

June 2001 Eastman Kodak Corporation selects multiple CCD Astrophotos for corporate meeting rooms and brochures

March 14, 2001 NASA Astrophoto of the Day - Photo of Comet McNaught-Hartley

March 2001 Image of Heaven's Glory Observatory 20" Homebuilt Newtonian Astrograph selected for front cover of Media Kit brochures for the Optical Society of America

January 2001 Sky and Telescope Magazine - Photos of NGC4725 and 4712 in "Gallery"

January 2001 Astronomy Magazine Magazine - Photo of IC1396 in "Hot Shots"


Dec. 2000 - Sky and Telescope Magazine- Photo of Cone Nebula in "Gallery"

Dec. 2000 - Sky and Telescope Magazine- Photo of Owl Nebula in "Gallery"

Nov. 2000 - Sky and Telescope Magazine - Photo of Comet Linear c/1999 S4 in "Gallery"

Nov. 2000 - Astronomie Magazine - Full page photo of NGC7023

Oct. 2000 - Sky and Telescope Magazine- Photo of M5 in "Gallery"

Sept. 2000 - Astronomy Magazine- Merope Nebula image used in "Digital Darkroom" Article

August 2000 Speaker at Stellafane - Deep Sky CCD Imaging

July 2000 Astronomy Magazine- Photo of IC410 image in "Hot Shots"

May 2000 Optics and Photonics News -Photo of  IC434 and Cone Nebula

April 2000 Astronomy Magazine- my first published magazine image! IC434 Horsehead Nebula selected for "Cyber Color" article but miscredited to Jack Newton- correction made in July 2000 publication

Jan. 2000 Eastman Kodak Corporation selects CCD Astrophotos for corporate booth graphics at SPIE's Photonics West Conference


May 1985 - Sky and Telescope Magazine- Gleanings for ATM article on design and construction of an 12.5" observatory class Cassegrain scope